
This site is obsolete, the Squash AUTOM and Squash DEVOPS documentation is now stored in https://autom-devops-en.doc.squashtest.com/.


This guide will show you the various possibilities offered by the version 1.0.0.RELEASE of Squash DEVOPS.

This 1.0.0.RELEASE version provides the following components :

  • Squash TM Generator Micro-service for the Squash Orchestrator : it is a micro-service for the Squash Orchestrator allowing the retrieval of a Squash TM test execution within an EPAC (Execution Plan «as code»). Please refer to the Squash AUTOM user guide for more information on the Squash Orchestrator and the EPAC.

  • Test Plan Retriever for Squash TM : this plugin for Squash TM allows the sending of details about a Squash TM execution plan to the Squash Orchestrator.

  • Squash DEVOPS plugin for Jenkins : this plugin for Jenkins facilitates the sending of an EPAC to the Squash Orchestrator from a Jenkins pipeline.